Sleepy Wanderer (2020)

This game is a submission to the HKU Game Jam of November 2020, which I helped organise. The theme was “Bed Time Story”.

Sleepy Wanderer is a game about a parent guiding their child through a bedtime story, paving the way for their development.

To play the game, you can download it from its page!
If you’d like to view the game’s code, take a look at its GitHub page.

Fill the gaps in the ground with toy blocks so that the child can progress.

A/D or ←/→ to navigate
SPACE to jump
E to lift/drop blocks
ESCAPE to restart the game

Design by Sabe Kraan and yours truly
Character design and animation by Julian Visser
Environmental design by Xander Stuivenberg
Tech art by Sabe Kraan and Xander Stuivenberg
Programming by yours truly